Hypnosis to stop smoking


Hypnotic script – Complete work to help your patient / youy consultant free himself from the grip of tobacco by laying a triple anchor and post-hypnotic suggestions.

Description détaillée

This session is a deep hypnosis session to help people stop smoking. Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – The set up – The deep induction with a bug planted on the wall – The fuses – Deepening of the hypnotic state – The approval / The ratifications – The complete therapeutic work with the unconscious on quitting smoking – The post-hypnotic suggestions – The coming out of hypnotic state / The exit of trance – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : ”… and we were told that the law required that one cigarette out of 200 be removed from the chain and examined under a microscope… and I also recognized other pieces… pieces of insects… like the wings and pastes of insects that had remained half eaten in the cobwebs… and…”