
Hypnotic script – Complete therapeutic work with the unconscious to help your patient/consultant go to the toilet easily.

Description détaillée

Session containing therapeutic suggestions to help your patient/consultant go to the toilet easily. Put under hypnosis by the numbers. Note : The suggestions are made after each odd number, so the eyes stay longer closed than open.Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – Fast induction by numbers – / Hypnosis – The approval / The ratifications – Therapeutic work with the unconscious against constipation – The exit of trance / The coming out of hypnotic state – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : “… and the body knows how to evacuate what must be evacuated… and part of you now realizes the importance of drinking enough water to keep the body and intestine well hydrated… and now your deep Self / your inner Being / your Unconscious knows perfectly well that it is important to drink enough water to hydrate the body well and to hydrate the intestine well… and from now on, intestinal transit will be satisfactory and regular… and normally… and from now on you will drink enough water and it will be done without thinking about it… and your intestinal transit will be satisfactory and regular… and normally… take the time to integrate all this…”