
Hypnotic script – Complete therapeutic work with the unconscious containing the implementation of signaling and therapeutic suggestions to help your patient / your consultant to talk and act as a confident person.

Description détaillée

Session containing the implementation of signaling and therapeutic suggestions to help your patient / your consultant to talk and act as a confident person. Put under hypnosis by the numbers. Note : The suggestions are made after each odd number, so the eyes stay longer closed than open.Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – Fast induction by numbers / Hypnosis The approval / – The approval / The ratifications – Complete work with the unconscious against motion sickness – The exit of trance – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : “… and from now on, whenever you need it, you just need to breathe deeply… and regularly to feel perfectly well… and from now on, whenever you need it, you just need to breathe deeply… and regularly to feel comfortable… safely… and from now on, you may be surprised to find that your breathing will simply become calmer, deeper, and more regular each time you are in a situation that may have caused you to feel unpleasant sensations… and right now, something very special is happening… and you can choose to keep only what is good for you…”