Hypnosis to overcome emotionality and fear of public speaking


Hypnotic script – Complete therapeutic work to help your patient / your consultant stay perfectly calm and confident in front of an audience.

Description détaillée

Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – The set up – The deep induction with a bug planted on the wall – The fuses – Deepening of the hypnotic state – The approval / The ratifications – The complete therapeutic work with the unconscious to overcome hyper-emotionality and fear of public speaking – The post-hypnotic suggestion – The coming out of hypnotic state / The exit of trance – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : “… and as I continue to speak, your fear and your anxiety begins to go away, because you have allowed most of it to escape… and your hyperemotivity is considerably weakened now, and what little is left is going completely away… and as your speech progresses, you will be so absorbed by what you have to say that you will completely forget what concerns you… and when your speech is over, you will be filled with the pleasant feeling of success that comes with the certainty of having done things right… and with time, realizing how well you actually do things, your hyperemotivity will be less and less present until it disappears completely…”