
Hypnotic script – Complete therapeutic work with the unconscious of your patient / of your consultant to change his way of thinking and change his eating habits.

Description détaillée

Session containing the complete work on the transfer of pleasant sensations useful to modify the problematic emotional states of your patient / of your consultant. Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – The set up – Induction by fixing on a fixed point – Deepening of the hypnotic state – The approval / The ratifications – The accompaniment by “the phrases machine” – Therapeutic work with the unconscious against obesity – The post-hypnotic suggestions – The coming out of hypnotic state / The exit of trance – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : “… and in addition to focusing all your attention on food and eating like a foodie, there’s also another aspect that’s part of the pleasure of food, and that important aspect is hunger, and you just can’t enjoy the food if you’re not actually hungry when you start eating…”