Hypnosis to ensure well-being and more successful life


Hypnotic script – Complete therapeutic work to help your patient / your consultant not worry about the past or the future and feel happier and more satisfied.

Description détaillée

A session containing the full work so that your patient / your consultant does not spend his time worrying about the past or the future because that time is wasted time, and life exists only in every moment. Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – The set up – The deep induction with a bug planted on the wall – The fuses – Deepening of the hypnotic state – The approval / The ratifications – The complete therapeutic work with the unconscious to ensure well-being and a more successful life – The post-hypnotic suggestions – The coming out of hypnotic state / The exit of trance – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : “… and therefore, you are able to see the problems with hindsight, and you are able to take care of them easily and efficiently, and with full confidence, without ever worrying, and without ever exhausting yourself… and it’s so good to be full of life, and it’s so good to be dynamic, and it’s so good to be full of spirit… and tell yourself that with each passing day, you feel happier and more satisfied because you choose to feel like this, just by controlling your thoughts you are able to handle them easily, efficiently, and confidently, without ever worrying, and without ever exhausting yourself…”