Deep hypnosis to sleep well


Hypnotic Script – Complete work to help your patient / your consultant sleep pleasantly well through post-hypnotic suggestions.

Description détaillée

Session to have a deep, natural and recovering sleep every night, and wake up in top shape and well rested. Session time length : about 45 minutes. Summary / Table of contents : The relaxation before the session – The set up – The induction with a bug planted on the wall – The fuses – The deepening of the hypnotic state – The approval / The ratifications – The complete therapeutic work to sleep well – The coming out of hypnotic state / The exit of trance – The break – Excerpt from the eBook : “… and from now on, when you go to bed every night, you are calm and you are at ease, and your body and your mind will be calm, and quiet, and relaxed… and from now on, you will fall asleep calmly and peacefully, as when you were a baby, calm and relaxed, and completely at peace… and you will sleep very well, and pleasantly well… and you will sleep deeply, knowing that day after day you live more fully…”